Case Studies in Using BiteFX

These case studies help you understand how dentists use BiteFX in specific treatment scenarios and the impact that has on these dentists' businesses.

Fred Peck, DDS
The New Patient Exam Protocol and its Impact on Practice Revenue
Discusses three patients:

  1. Planting the seed for staged treatment.
  2. Giving an understanding of the causes of tooth wear.
  3. Gaining acceptance of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Leonard Smith, DDS
Three Components Vital to Treatment Success
Walks you through Dr. Smith's general approach with patients, going into typical problems, solutions and the keys to success.

Don Reid, DDS and creator of BiteFX
Patient Consultation with BiteFX
Dr. Reid explains how BiteFX made the difference in transforming a single tooth "fix" to a full mouth reconstruction with the patient's full support.

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What people are saying about BiteFX::

Thanks for the BiteFX software it is absolute magic and just what I have been wishing for for the past 20 years! Brilliant, thanks for making my life easier and helping patients too!
— Charley Varipapa, DDS
The QuickStart training showed us how to customize the BiteFX consultation for each individual patient.
— Teresa Brenner, Office Manager - Robert Demboski DDS
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