BiteFX Animations

BiteFX provides you with attractive, colorful animations that have been created to help communicate the concepts of occlusion. Patients enjoy seeing the animations and quickly understand the points you need to explain.

The snapshots below describe the animations that are provided with BiteFX.

Open-Close Motions

introduces centric relation
Open/close motion without muscles. Function of disc. Introduces centric relation.
jaw muscle function
Open/close motion focusing on the opening and closing muscles.
upper and lower pterygoid
Open/close motion focusing on the lateral pterygoid muscles. How upper/lower act independently.
open and close jaw motion
Open/close motion combining opening and closing muscles and lateral pterygoid muscles.
destructive bite out of centric relation
Destructive bite — what can happen when MI occurs out of CR.
bad bite open close jaw motion
Destructive bite – open/close motion illustrating a "muscle war".
stable destructive pterygoid comparison
Stable/destructive side-by-side – focus on lateral pterygoids.
stable destructive comparison
Stable/destructive side-by-side – all muscles.

Guidance and Contacts

canine guidance
Canine guidance — how the front teeth help protect the back teeth.
anterior guidance
Anterior guidance. Importance of shapes of teeth and jaw joint working together.
molars with-good anterior guidance
Molars with guidance – with guidance molars separate
no anterior guidance effects on molars comparison
Effects on molars – side-by-side versions with and without guidance (five separate animations).
ideal tooth contacts
Ideal tooth contacts. Simultaneous contacts at dots in back and lines in front.
destructive tooth contacts
Destructive tooth contacts – how contacts can look in a destructive bite.
ideal molar contacts
Ideal molar contacts. Peaks meeting valleys. Longitudinal forces.
undesirable molar contacts
Undesirable molar contacts on inclines – reasons for fractures, tooth movement and mobility.
molar contacts comparison
Ideal and undesirable molar contacts side-by-side

Effects of Bruxing

Bruxing – illustrating constant motion between CR and MI.
bruxing effects on muscles close up
Bruxing with muscles – dramatically communicates uncoordinated muscle function.
bruxing effects on muscles wide angle
Bruxing – as previous but wide angle Reasons for muscle soreness or temporal headaches "obvious".
bruxing effect on molars
Bruxing – great tool to show why teeth are loose, sensitive, breaking or PDLs widened.
anterior bruxing mobility abfraction
Anterior bruxing – shows anterior wear and effects of recession, mobility, abfractions.
Bruxing effect on molars
Same as the molar bruxing animation but only grinding during the forward motion.
Bruxing effect on muscles close up
Same as the bruxing with muscles animation but only grinding during the forward motion.
Bruxing effect on muscles wide angle
Same as the bruxing with muscles animation but only grinding during the forward motion.

Interferences and TMJ Effects

jaw slide to maximum intercuspation
Slide without muscles – how some patients' teeth will move when they clench from CR.
jaw slide to maximum intercuspation with muscles
Slide with muscles – how some patients' teeth will move when they clench from CR.
jaw slide and 1 degree rotation
Demonstrates how the jaw moves if it rotates 1 degree when sliding from CR to MIP.
jaw slide and 3 degree rotation
Demonstrates how the jaw moves if it rotates 3 degrees when sliding from CR to MIP.
interference effects
Interference effects – triggering avoiding action and leading to sensitive and painful teeth.
interference effects triggering avoiding action
Interference effects – triggering avoiding action.
interference effects sensitive painful teeth
Interference effects – causing sensitive and painful teeth.
balancing interference
Illustration of what a balancing interference is.
TMJ disc deterioration piper stages
TMJ disc distortion – stages of disc deterioration: early & late clicks, lock, perforation, bone-on-bone.
tmj distalization into fossa
TMJ disc distortion – showing distalization of the condyle into the fossa.
Fremitus from edge-to-edge bruxing
Illustration of fremitus developing because of edge-to-edge bruxing.
Fremitus from envelop of function
Illustration of fremitus developing because of a restricted envelope of function.
Wear from side-to-side bruxing
How side-to-side bruxing can wear the front teeth.
Anterior wear envelope of function
Shows how a restricted envelope of function can lead to sharp, ragged wear of the incisors.
Interference between rear teeth
Shows how an interference between rear teeth can lead to grinding that can eventually destroy the whole mouth.

Effects on Molars

effects on molars with no anteriori guidance
Effects on molars with no anterior guidance (a continuous sequence of four illustrations).
effects on nerves with no anterior guidance
Effects on molars with no anterior guidance – nerves.
effect of grinding wtih no anterior guidance
Effects on molars with no anterior guidance – grinding.
molar recession with no anterior guidance
Effects on molars with no anterior guidance – recession.
molar cracking with no anterior guidance
Effects on molars with no anterior guidance – chipping.
no anterior guidance effects on molars comparison
Effects on molars – side-by-side versions with and without guidance (five separate animations).


anterior splint orthotic for teeth
Anterior splint – how a splint helps muscles relax.
full coverage splint orthotic for teeth
Full coverage splint – how a splint helps muscles relax.
full coverage splint detailed
More detailed view of the benefits provided by a properly designed full coverage splint.
Equilibration – showing adjustment of two interferences resulting in CR bite.
disappearing crown space
Disappearing crown space – why crown space shrinks between impression and application.
Use of a leaf gauge to establish centric relation and identify initial interferences.
leaf-gauge equilibration
Use of a leaf gauge as part of the equilibration process.
rebuilding to health
Takes a totally destroyed dentition and shows how it can be rebuilt to healthy occlusion.

Outside USA::
(+1) 530-582-1189

What people are saying about BiteFX::

BiteFX has been an amazing addition to our consultation experience! Our patients, both new and existing, have given rave
— Richard Rogers, DDS
BiteFX is a fantastic tool for explaining occlusion, TM joint function and dysfunction to my patients. I would not practice without it!
— Ian W. Tester DDS, MSc
BiteFX is powered by Dynamic Thought