BiteFX Insiders' Secrets and Tips Webinars
– No Need to Feel Isolated Any Longer!
As a member of the BiteFX Platinum Insiders' Circle you will be able to enjoy and learn from our monthly Insiders' Secrets and Tips webinars.
In these webinars you have the opportunity to join with other occlusion-focused dentists and thought leaders as they share their tips and knowledge of what is working best for them today.
Regular items include:
- BiteFX News – so you always know what's available to you in the software, animations, marketing tools, partner product and events.
- BiteFX Tips – stories and demonstrations of how to use BiteFX most effectively
- Dental Expert – each month we feature a leading dentist sharing expertise relevant to occlusion-focused dentists like you.
Recent presentations have included:- Dr. Drew Cobb, director of core curriculum of the Dawson Academy
- Dr. Kevin Boyd, dental sleep medicine and anthropology expert
- Dr. Hal Stewart, founder of The Stewart Center for Minimally Invasive Dental Medicine
- Expanding Life Into Your Patients
- Chronic vs Acute Wound Care: Improving Periodontal Health
- Helping Your Patients Make the Right Decisions for Themselves
A Personal Chat with Dr. Peter Dawson on "A Better Way" (recorded just 3 months before Dr. Dawson passed away – a treasure for anyone interested in learning more about this great man)
All Platinum Insiders' Circle members gain access to the recordings of past webinars so you gain a great wealth of information the moment you sign-up!

Outside USA::
(+1) 530-582-1189
(+1) 530-582-1189
What people are saying about BiteFX::
BiteFX is a fantastic tool for explaining occlusion, TM joint function and dysfunction to my patients. I would not practice without it! 

— Ian W. Tester DDS, MSc
The QuickStart training showed us how to customize the BiteFX consultation for each individual patient.
— Teresa Brenner, Office Manager - Robert Demboski DDS