BiteFX QuickStart for Windows

BiteFX QuickStart™ for Windows is a personal five-course tutorial series that provides a comprehensive understanding of the many powerful features available within the BiteFX presentation software on Windows to help you optimize its use and return on your investment in the BiteFX Animations.

Each BiteFX QuickStart session is approximately ½ hour in duration to minimize interference with the dental practice, and maximize learning retention. Tutorial sessions are conducted via teleconference and participants use their own computer to follow the guidance of the BiteFX instructor as the features and controls are explained. Topics covered include:

  1. A comprehensive overview of all BiteFX on Windows features and controls, and basic animation play
  2. Use of the Photo Gallery and Picture Editor
  3. Creation of Custom Sequences and use with PowerPoint
  4. Creating reports based on your presentations and providing them to your patients

QuickStart is excellent for New Purchasers, Long-Time BiteFX Users, and Dental Office Staff.

Reactions to BiteFX QuickStart

QuickStart for New Purchasers

QuickStart was designed primarily with the needs of the new BiteFX user in mind. Your purchase of QuickStart with BiteFX (included free with BiteFX Platinum Insiders' Circle membership) enhances the benefits of BiteFX by teaching you to master the product quickly and effectively.

QuickStart for Long-Time BiteFX Users

Even experienced BiteFX dentists who have been using BiteFX for a long time are often unaware of the more powerful elements BiteFX provides, and are appreciating the comprehensive training they and their staff receive. With improved understanding of the full complement of features BiteFX offers, they are able to make better use of the great tool they already have in their hands.

QuickStart for Dental Office Staff

Because QuickStart is conducted using teleconferencing, you are welcome to have your staff listen in to the tutorial calls. This can be a big benefit to you and your practice:

  • Staff often gain a better understanding of occlusion from the sessions
  • You enable staff to assist in the consultation process.
  • Support staff understand the role of BiteFX in the consultation process and the value it brings your patients
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(+1) 530-582-1189

What people are saying about BiteFX::

BiteFX has been an amazing addition to our consultation experience! Our patients, both new and existing, have given rave
— Richard Rogers, DDS
When my dentist used the animations to show me the reason all of my back teeth were worn down and loose, I immediately accepted his entire treatment recommendations. I'd never seen such a logical explanation. It made total sense.
— Frank Holt, patient
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