BiteFX Monthly Marketing Tools for the Occlusion Aware Practice

As part of the BiteFX Platinum Insider's Circle each month you will receive a marketing piece that you can use to help promote your practice.

These are produced by Curtis Group, a marketing consultancy that specializes in dental practice marketing.

  • Professionally produced materials
  • Multi-media: brochures, print ads, videos (for use on your website), radio ads, event guides, … Give yourself a complete set of occlusion-focused marketing materials!
  • Ready to go (with addition of your contact information)
  • Provided with instructions on how best to use
  • Focus on your strengths as an occlusion-aware and BiteFX-using practice
  • SAVES YOU TIME in creating your own materials (coming up with the ideas, writing the content, reviewing the implementation, making corrections, reviewing again, submitting to publishers etc.)
  • SAVES YOU MONEY in paying professionals to implement your ideas
  • GIVES YOU NEW IDEAS – you may not use everything we give you but our ideas may seed even better ideas for your practice
  • Printing available through Curtis Group at very competitive rates
  • Specific tailoring requests (e.g. integrating logos) supported economically by Curtis Group

Examples: Patient brochures, newspaper ads, online ads, guides for putting on local marketing events …

Monthly Marketing Patient Brochures
Patient brochure for communicating how you can help
Monthly Marketing Newspaper Ads
Newspaper ads help bring in new patients and distinguish you from other dentists
Outside USA::
(+1) 530-582-1189

What people are saying about BiteFX::

When my dentist used the animations to show me the reason all of my back teeth were worn down and loose, I immediately accepted his entire treatment recommendations. I'd never seen such a logical explanation. It made total sense.
— Frank Holt, patient
Thanks for the BiteFX software it is absolute magic and just what I have been wishing for for the past 20 years! Brilliant, thanks for making my life easier and helping patients too!
— Charley Varipapa, DDS
BiteFX is powered by Dynamic Thought